Health Services



walking healthy



The 100 mile walking club is now in Shutesbury. Our own 4th grade are members and the miles are adding up fast. Exercise is vital for all age groups and all adults are welcome to join our superheros when we walk our mile or more in the upper field at 12 noon as many days of the week as we are able. Our trail is now Halloween decorated and our mascot is Tweety Bird!

All children entering kindergarten are required by the State of Massachusetts to provide to the school completed health forms and a birth certificate. These forms must be submitted prior to the first day of school. Children will not be able to start school without the required forms. These forms, which are obtained from your health care provider, must include a current physical examination, updated immunizations, a history of chicken pox or the vaccination and a birth certificate. If you choose to exempt your child from any or all immunizations, you must state this in a hand written letter prior to school beginning.

Shutesbury Elementary School has a full time health room.  It is located right inside the main office.  The nurse is available from the time the buses arrive until dismissal. The health room is not a substitute for home. It is expected that if your child is unwell that you pick up them as soon as able.    Please feel free to contact me by phone or leave a message at extension 3 or 112.

The Health Room does not provide full or even half day sick care.  For the well-being of the rest of the students and staff, children sick upon arising, or ill in the night before school, should remain at home.  No child should come to school with a fever over 99.6, vomiting or diarrhea within a 24 hour period, or an extreme cold or flu symptoms. A cough lasting longer than 7 days will need a doctor’s order to attend school. All questionable rashes should be reported to the Health Room before going to the classroom.  Children sent too sick to be in class or not participate in gym or go outside at recess will be sent home.   

Any child who requires medication during school hours is mandated to fill out the necessary paperwork with a physician’s signature.  No child is able to bring any medications to school.  A parent must bring all children’s medications into the Health Room and sign the necessary paperwork.  Over the counter medications are available in the health room if parents choose to sign their consent on the emergency forms. Parents will be notified prior to dispensing any medication to their children.

Emergency cards are vital to the safe running of our school.  You will be receiving these in your first day packet.  We need them back immediately.  Please include all cell phone numbers and any e-mail addresses.  Injury and illness are unpredictable and the office must be able to contact parents and guardians as soon as something happens. 

 Thank you. 

Dennise Forsman, RN
School Nurse